Mechanical Realignment of the Brain

By: chiralcenterwellness
Mechanical Realignment of the Brain
Sometimes, one quite literally has to override the narrative in the mind- a “fake till you make it” approach to negative cognition mastery.
Negative cognition mastery refers to the ability to recognize, challenge, and change negative thought patterns that can influence emotions and behaviors. It involves developing skills to identify cognitive distortions—such as all-or-nothing thinking, overgeneralization, or catastrophizing—and replacing them with more balanced, realistic thoughts.
Key strategies for mastering negative cognition include:
- Awareness: Recognizing when negative thoughts arise and understanding their impact on your feelings and actions.
- Challenge: Questioning the validity of negative thoughts and considering alternative viewpoints.
- Reframing: Shifting perspective to view situations in a more positive or constructive light.
- Mindfulness: Practicing mindfulness techniques to stay present and reduce the influence of negative thoughts.
- Cognitive Behavioral Techniques: Utilizing CBT strategies to break the cycle of negativity and promote healthier thinking patterns.
By mastering these techniques, individuals can improve their mental resilience and overall well-being.
For example, I lose my keys and the first thought that pops into my head is “you’re such an idiot.” Now would I say that to someone I loved if they lost their keys? No. So, why should I get away with saying it to myself?
Awareness is catching yourself in the process of saying these negative thoughts to yourself.
For example, this girl’s father always told her mother that she was gross due to her mother’s inability to manage her anxiety. This girl grew into a woman, who like her mother, had episodes of anxiety and therefore believed she was “gross” too. Subsequently, the following logic also took place in her mind: “who could love someone who is gross?”
The “fake it till you make it” approach, would quite literally replace the word “gross” with the word “beautiful.” “I’m gross and unlovable” becomes “I’m beautiful and lovable.” Your mind may balk at the new statement, but repeat it enough times and maybe hearing it in your mind will begin to feel less like sucking on a lemon.
“Doing the work” means becoming aware of your thoughts and forcing a new path in your mind. Our mind’s ability to change is infinite and only requires practice. Repeat I’m beautiful and lovable” 20 times a day, everyday for a month, and I guarantee you’ll feel less “gross” than you feel today.